Eria Jarensis Extract

Have you ever heard of Eria Jarensis Extract before? I bet 99% of you haven’t. It is said to be the latest DMAA substitute as a stimulant in pre workout supplement. The new bodybuilding formula SP250 by GASPARI NUTRITION was the first sports nutrition supplement using this ingredient, followed by Mesomorph 3 from APS Nutrition. Does Eria Jarensis Extract really have the same benefits like DMAA? Do you believe it?

There is no much information about this plant from the internet. We have no idea where it grows or whether it is from China. And not sure whether it is a made-up ingredient like DMAA from geranium extract. Only one document titled Phenethylamines from Eria jarensis Ames: Studies on Orchidaceae alkaloids. XV, with no more than 200 words, mention eria jarensis:


In most species of the genus Eria hitherto tested, a low alkaloid content has been detected. The first species investigated further, Eria jarensis Ames, has been shown to contain simple phenethylamine derivatives.

The base fraction consisted of N-methyl-phenethylamine (N-methyl-PEA) and N,N-dimethyl-phenethylamine(N,N-dimethyl-PEA). The mixture was treated with ketene and then analyzed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The retention time of N,N-dimethyl-phenethylamine and of the acetyl derivative of N-methyl-phenethylamine, as well as their mass spectra, were indistinguishable from those of authentic samples.

The main part of the alkaloid fraction consisted of a quaternary compound, a phenethyl trimethylammonium salt. This was isolated as the iodide, which was indistinguishable from an authentic sample.

10 kg of the fresh plant material afforded 1g of iodide, 50mg of N-methyl-phenethylamine and 5mg of N,N-dimethyl-phenethylamine. Choline (0.3g) was also obtained.

This seems to be the first time N,N-dimethylphenethylamine and phenethyl trimethylammonium ion have been found in Nature.

We thank Dr. Leslie Garay, Havard University, for kindlyly identifying the plant species. We are also indebted to Dr. Ragnar Ryhage for measuring the mass spectra, and to Stiftelsen Bengt Lundqvists Minne for a fellowship to one of us (K.L.). This work has been supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council.

This study was carried in 1969 (about 50 years ago) and then no scholars or researchers have ever focused on this project again.

We have to thank KAJ HeDMAN, KURT LEANDER AND BJORN LUNING. It is they that make our supplements diversified and make those unique supplements earn money from bodybuilders.

Eria Jarensis Extract vs Dedrobium extract

Well, after finishing this article on Eria jarensis Ames, you may think of another orchidaceae plant-dendrobium extract. That’s correct!!! Dendrobium extract was first utilized in Craze by Driven Sports in 2012, claiming dendrobium alkaloids contain active ingredients such as Dendrobine, Dendroxine, Dendramine, B-Phenylethylamine, N,N-Dimethyl-B-Phenylethylamine, And N,N-Diethyl-B-Phenylethylamine. Like the statement of dendrobium extract, Eria Jarensis Extract is also said to contain Phenylethylamine ( PEA) series ingredients. As we already know, dendrobium extract is proved to be useless as a stimulant, although it is a precious Chinese herbal extract, proven to be beneficiary to the overall health of human beings. Will Eria Jarensis Extract work in re workout or just a scam?

The benefits of Eria Jarensis Extract

The claimed benefits of Eria Jarensis Extract by the supplement brands are as below:
How does Eria Jarensis Extract work? The mechanism of actions is still not quite clear. Experts point out that its benefits derive from the compound in it. Alkaloids and amines are said to elevate metabolism and suppress appetite.

In the Insane Energy Blend of Gaspari SP250, eria jarensis extract is regarded as a superstar ingredient- “the first truly effective stimulant used in the sports supplements industry as a substitute for the now-banned DMAA.”

The PDF document of Phenethylamines from Eria jarensis Ames: Studies on Orchidaceae alkaloids. XV is download here.